All Libraries will be closed Monday, January 20, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Register for LENA START

LENA Start is a FREE program for families with children ages birth to 36 months. Over 10 weekly sessions, parents and caregivers receive personalized feedback on how much they’re talking, combined with instruction on techniques for talking and reading more – all in a fun, supportive group environment.

Classes include a free parent kit, children’s books, and the patented LENA technology*. There are other incentives you’ll learn more about during sessions.

If this sounds interesting to you, please call tel:706-243-2688 or click on the registration link below.

*LENA stands for Language ENvironment Analysis

The LENA system measures the early language environment of children ages birth to 36 months. Using a “talk pedometer” that children wear in a comfortable, child-safe vest, LENA technology tracks conversations with children and the number of words they hear. Conversations and words are not recorded, just the data. Parents and caregivers will receive weekly reports in the form of easily decipherable graphs and tables. In addition to seeing the data, caregivers partake in parent education classes led by trained LENA staff that will help improve interactions with the child.

Why Does Early Talk Matter?

The science is clear: the first three years of life present a key window of opportunity for all children. School readiness and, more importantly, the path to opportunity begins at birth. Both of these outcomes are heavily influenced by the amount of interactive talk children experience in their earliest years.

The challenge is that simply saying “talk more” or “interact more” isn’t enough. Research tells us that we’re poor estimators of how much we talk: most of us tend to overestimate. In fact, those of us that talk the least tend to overestimate the most (Richards et al., 2017). Thus, objective feedback on interactive talk is needed. This is where LENA comes in.

Early talk shapes a child’s life.  Think of it as links in a chain that can influence success in school and in life.


(for parents/caregivers of children 0-36 months)

LENA Start: Talk Builds Babies’ Brains!
Interactive talk is a critical factor for healthy early brain development! Join this 10-week program to learn fun tips that increase the brain-boosting talk in your child’s daily routine. Families receive personalized feedback weekly from the LENA device.
Class size limited, registration required.
Tues. January 24, 31 @ 11:00am
Tues. February 7, 14, 21, 28 @11:00am
Tues. March 7, 14, 21, 28 @11:00am
Columbus Public Library, Synovus Room B
Orientation is highly encouraged and will be held Tuesday, Jan. 17th at 11 am at the Columbus Public Library In Synovus Room B. 

LENA Start: Talk Builds Babies’ Brains 

Class size limited, registration required.
Thurs. February 16, 23 @11:00am
Thurs. March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 @11:00am
Thurs. April 13, 20, 27 @11:00am
Mildred L. Terry Public Library, AKA Room

LENA Start Virtual program: Talk Builds Babies’ Brains! 
Class size limited, registration required.
Thurs. February 16, 23, @ 6:30 pm
Thurs. March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 @ 6:30 pm
Thurs. April 13, 20, 27 @ 6:30 pm




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