Interlibrary Loans

Interlibrary Loan header image showing sunlight coming through the bookshelves in the library


If we do not have the material you need, we can try to get it from a library that does.

If an item cannot be located in our catalog, CVLGA patrons in good standing can request an ILL (InterLibrary Loan). Staff will attempt to borrow the item requested if possible.

Please note that we cannot borrow items published within the last year.

To request an out of system loan request, see a staff member or submit request using our online form.

Frequently Asked Questions

Books, Microfilm, and Journal Articles, though sometimes titles may not be available.


Waiting periods are typically longer than for holds placed in CVLGA’s catalog. We typically see books arrive within 2-4 weeks of being requested depending on where they are coming from.

The checkout period is at the discretion of the lending library and may vary.  We can typically request a renewal if needed. Please note that ILL’s can be recalled by the loaning library at any time if they need the item back more quickly.

To renew an item you can contact or ask someone at your regular branch for help.  We will contact the loaning library and let you know if the renewal has been approved or denied.

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