All Libraries will be closed Monday, January 20, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Borrowing Information

Borrowing header image showing an arm reaching forth and selecting a book from the book shelf

These guidelines help explain our borrowing basics.

Checkout Limits

There is a maximum checkout of 40 physical items on your card at any given time. Physical items can be checked out in any combination as noted below:

  • 40 Total Items
  • 8 DVDs and/or BluRays
  • 2 STEAM kits, including Launchpad tablets
  • 1 Park Pass

Fines Free!


Renewal Limits

Most physical materials (books, magazines, CDs, and DVDs) will automatically renew up to 4 times.*  Steam kits and Launchpads can be renewed once.  Materials requested by another customer will not auto-renew.

  • Books 14 days up to 4 renewals
  • Lucky Day Books 14 days up to 1 renewal
  • DVDs 7 days up to 4 renewals
  • Blurays 7 days up to 4 renewals
  • Magazines 14 days up to 4 renewals
  • Books on CD 14 days up to 4 renewals
  • STEAM kits 7 days up to 1 renewal
  • Launchpad tablets 7 days up to 4 renewals
  • Passes 7 days up to 1 renewal

An item may be renewed if there is no one else waiting on that item. See RENEW & RESERVE for more information

Borrowing Info FAQ

You may use your card at any of our nine library branches.

Yes. CVL has a floating collection. You may check out and return items at any of our branches.

We are now Fines Free! 

  • CVL no longer charges fines for materials returned late.
    • The Library keeps a record of lost materials, and you will be notified about materials not returned. 
  • Accounts with an overdue or lost item will be blocked from using computers or borrowing materials.
    • Customers will still be responsible to pay the cost for lost or damaged items. 

Customers are required to pay for lost or damaged materials checked out on their Library Card. Accounts with an overdue or lost item will be blocked from using computers or borrowing materials. Contact any library branch for more information.

The Library is unable to accept replacement items in exchange for any lost materials.

Accounts with an overdue or lost item will be blocked from using computers or borrowing materials. The Chattahoochee Valley Libraries employ a collection agency, Unique Management, to recover lost materials. Accounts sent to a collection agency will be responsible for a $15.00 collection fee plus payment on the account balance. This agency does not report accounts to credit reporting bureaus. 

To access the library’s online resources click here.

Username = library card barcode number

PIN = last 4 digits of the primary phone number given at registration

24-hour book drops are located outside all nine of our library locations. 

Passes and most STEAM kits must be returned inside.

The library sets your PIN as the last four digits of your primary phone number.