All Libraries will be closed Monday, January 20, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Mobile App

If you have your phone, you have the Library! Its now easier to access the Library catalog, your account and great online resources.  Our new mobile app offers these improved features:


My Account

The new mobile app keeps users logged in! With the new native login, they can view their checkout history, items on hold, and any outstanding fees.

Digital Library Card

Forgot your library card? No problem! A digital version of your library card is stored within the App.  It can be used to check out items at the self-check stations or any CVL service desk.


The new app makes it easier than ever to check out books, place holds or renew your materials.

What’s New

Custom carousels of recommended reading have been added so customers can view and reserve popular titles from a variety of genres.


Access our extensive online collection of digital content in one convenient location.

Library Programs

Explore and stay current with upcoming programs for children, teens, and adults at all seven library locations. You can now filter programs (by age, location, or type) and add them seamlessly to your calendar.


Connect with a variety of trustworthy databases and research tools for important projects.

Library Locations

Get directions and operating hours to your favorite local branch.

Scan a Book

See a book that looks interesting? Use the Scan an ISBN feature on any book, anywhere to see if it’s available to borrow from our collection. If not, make a purchase request.

How to Get Started

Search “Chatt Valley Libraries Ga” in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store or click below.